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Monday, September 11, 2017

Shirshasana Queen of Asana

So many head stand and shirshasan poses on Facebook nowadays...

* Mars, Rahu, Me and Surya Leo in agni rashi natural house of creativity..bhavatbhavam of 3H.. 3H house of efforts.. efforts for getting better in all aspects of our life...

* Two Agni planest Ma and Sun different combination of energy in natural Trine House of Kaal purush Kundali.
* Rahu karaka for hath yoga on edge to leave one sign and enter new.

Shri BKS Iyengar says once asked in his interviiewhow a shirshasan can be done easiest way. many says you need good strenght in hands. elbows. otherwise it could be dangerous. A very short but satik answer from him - doing Shirshasan succesfully one needs to balance the sides of bodies.. torsos... he gave out this little but effective secret as service to mankind. His Atmakaraka Sun in Jyeshtha Nakshatra i guess... 

what would be that one thought which made him legendary in yoga.. lets do some thinking on it...
Share you experiences..

Is drinking alcohal a bad Karma ?

Is drinking alcohal a bad Karma ?

I happened to read a question Is drinking alcohal a bad Karma ?
This thought struck to me when i was watching Breaking Bad series long time before.. It comes so natural to me to connect everything i see hear or feel to connect it to Astrology.. or try to understand how things work. In early days of my jyotish research one of my friend always used to say a sentence "parde ke piche dekhne ki koshish karo" which means try to see beyong curtains.. Things never look like as they seems.. So this thought always worked in my subconscious mind. trying to see a bigger picture.
Planetary energies always operates on two level.. Lower and Higher principle.. 12 H shows addiction. addiction to alcohal, heroine or any toxicated clearly indicates one has using the energy on lower principle. Once knowing it can change the course of action thats free will houses / Upachaya houses.
Other intersting point is which tatva is dominating via rashi, grah and nakshatra of 12H and 12L or planets occupying... these three combination definitely lead us to peculiar conclusion ..... Alcohal - Jal tatva
Heroine/methamphetamine - Prithvi tatva
Cannabisor ganja / Marijuana similar category - Vayu tatva 
Nothing as such come to Agni tatva.. Agni is very pure.. We really need to come up with alternative way of giving a kick feeling which will deffinitely help in our personal and spiritual growth. Such as early mornning Suryanamaskar, or a good run, a quick swimm session, cooking nice meal, Using Tatvas in different way...

My Introduction to Jyotish

Since childhood I always had why how questions about our mother nature and the most amazing creation of the god i.e. humankind. But never got satisfying answers which lead me on to the path of mysticism and the journey started for finding those answers. After lot of wandering into the mystical realm I found myself wanting a scientific and logical reasoning of how and why of everything. We can get the answers in today's scientific world but still the ultimate question remains same. from where does the god particle came. I think Astrology is better way of understanding human life and questions related to it. Understanding the infinite number of patterns of human life fascinates me a lot. So the journey began as a Researcher of Astrology. Its been quite a while I  am studying, practicing and consulting. I would never say that I have become perfect because the moment thought strikes into my head something new comes up and keep on challenging me. Its an unending adventurous trip which makes me inquisitive and sad sometimes, sometimes happy, introvert, thoughtful and positive. I said Sad because its not easy to digest such foreseeing for which you really cant do anything but to reduce intensity of particular happening. But taking precautions and keeping ourself aware can definitely lead us not completely but to avoid loss upto some extent. But its really hard to swim against the flow. But as it has been mentioned in Bhagvad Geeta "Karma karna hamare hath me hai" means atleast what we can do is to accomplish the task.Stay tune stay blessed and happy....

Friday, August 25, 2017

Astro-logical point of view

" Speaking scientifically all planets are made up of basically rocks n gases .......how does rocks n gases affect the destiny of people ? if we say reflected lights from the planets and vibrations affect us..but the the reflected lights n vibrations come from planets which are themselves very far from us .. plz explain scientifically n astrologically "
Let's take the issue step by step.. first Astrology is with Reference to Plantery influence on Human bring because we are part of Nature and Plantery motion affects Nature and we are also get the Influence..How we are part of Nature? The Earth temp100,we..98.6, Earth goes back 1 deg. in 72 years..our pluse is 72 in one minute..the Salt content in the Sea water is same proportion as in our Blood, Every 11 years there are Sun spot activity and there are increased Heart problems...This Study of Stars is Astrology...This is one side..the other side is Jyotish which is based on ones Karmpal from previous Birth which is indicated by the planets like X-ray showing the Broken bone..the X-ray did not break it..That's reason same planet give different Results.. Astrology..is Scientific and Jyotish is Philosophy...... Whether one believes or not it just Happens... Gemini Sign represents USA...the second Dreshkan of Gemini is FIGHTING EAGLE....You know the Symbol of USA. Be blessed.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Understanding Gandanta differently

My Observation and Interpretation of GANDANTA POINT
These observations are based on Lunar Nakshtra transit.. The excercise still in process.
Whenever gandanta occurs from Revati to Aswini, Ashlesha to Magha, Jyeshtha to moola.. we feel force of energies. Three cycles of gunas enhances the energy type in us where we are not able to handle or make best utilisation of this energy.
There is saying in tantra - "Ya toh aap shakti par haavi ho jao ya shakti ap par haavi ho jay" which translates Either you get hold on to Shakti or the Shakti will start controlling you. In such time we often found us saying 'I dont know why i did that'
Now this may differ case to case. How transit plays role..If natal planets posited in those point or degrees then definitely its gonna affect you.. If transitting planets on these gandanta degrees. If malefics placed on these then anger, anxiety, agony sort of energy we may experience. On contrary benefic transits through these then energy force is too much like exagerated emotions, happiness, joy, feeling good without reason, sensitivity level, tuned cosmic sychronisation if mind is peaceful, isolation gives revelations.
Now my tested and tried home remedies on how to handle or make best use of these higher level of energies. Purusharthas surely helps to make this journey smooth. Just doing the Dharma.... what needs to be done.
1. Cleaning house, removing clutter, vaccuming, pranayam, bhastrika, kapalbhati.. vayu tatva influencing...
2. Baking, cooking, eating high protien ( I noticed with some people when they eat kidney beans, garbanzo bean or similar type of food they are unable to digest but sometimes they could. eating those on agni tatva nakshtras helps to lite up Jatharagni) A long walk in Sunlight. channelise energy levels. beach could be the nice place (covers all elements) Liting up a candle or deep.. meditating on the flame on it can realy give relaxation.
3. Swimming, work related to water, now Washing dishes ( dont do mistake by thinking its a minial job) here Jal tatva nakshatras plays significant role. balancing out it by doing will be definitely benificial.
4. Akash, ether or space is the subtlest of the Panchtatvas. It resembles the quantum mechanical concept of the field from which all matter is created and into which all matter resolves. Fasting could be the best one. or Intermittant Fasting.
Note : Our inner calling always tells us what to do... Yes the very first thought..... Ignoring it multiplies the Karma, Adhering it maitains the dynamic balance of karma.
Gandanta is where spiritual knots are untied.. actually they helps to shift or dispersion of shakti equally all over the body... there is sharp urge in spiral of Ida pingla . so satsang, bhajans, haripath, geet ramayan, geeta updesh.. really helps alot... music, listening to ragas are also powerful medium for channelising it.
I want all of you to share your experience as we are close by gandanta Jyeshtha Moola and try this out..
Thanking you for your patient reading
Happy Gandanta
Kulkarni S Sarita

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

प्राणशक्ति का महत्व – 5

 प्राणशक्ति का महत्व – 5 

आज का विषय प्राणशक्ति का एक मुख्य अंग है.. विविध गुढ़ विषयो में प्राणशक्ति का रहस्य हम ज्ञात करते जा रहे है. सुक्ष्म शरीर और प्राण शक्ति का अभेद समबन्ध है. सभी शक्तियों के मूल में प्राण शक्ति है.

साधना जगत में जब तक हम उस साधना विशेष का महत्व नहीं ज्ञात कर लेते तब तक साधना में उपयोग की गई सामग्रियों का होना निरर्थक हो जाता है. क्युकी वे जैसा असर दिखाना चाहिए वैसा असर नहीं दिखा पाती. युद्ध बिना शास्त्रों का संभव नहीं उसी प्रकार साधना में साधना सामग्री शस्त्र का कार्य सम्पादित करती है जब तक हम सही शस्त्रों का उपयोग सही जगह सही योद्धा के भाति नहीं करेंगे हम विजयी नहीं हो सकते. वैसे ही साधना रूपी युद्ध में मंत्र यन्त्र सामग्री वगैरे शस्त्र ही तो है जिनका उपयोग अगर हमें भलीभांति ज्ञात ना हो तो दृश्य अदृश्य रूप से हम स्वयं का ही घात कर बैठते है.

विषय की ओर बढते हुए एक बात ध्यान में आती है किसी भी नवगंतुक के लिए सुक्ष्म शरीर के बारे में जिज्ञासा साधक समाज में हमेशा एक आकर्षण का केंद्र बनी रही है. ऐसे गुढ़ विषय के बारे में हर साधक जानने के लिए उत्सुक ही रहता है. साधक हमेशा सूक्ष्म शरीर विचरण क्रिया के बारे में जानने के लिए सतत प्रयासरत रहता है. पुस्तकीय ज्ञान आपको एक निश्चित दृष्टिकोण या धरातल जरुर दे सकता है परन्तु क्रियात्मक पक्ष एक समर्थ गुरु के बिना कैसे सम्भव हो सकता है भला?

और तंत्र तो तलवार की धार पर चलने के सामान है एक छोटी सी चूक और आप गए...वह बीच वाली स्थिति नहीं.. इस् पार या उस पार...

ये बहुत ही विस्तृत विषय है जिस पर कभी और बात करेंगे परन्तु में यहा विषयान्तर ना करते हुए प्राणशक्ति का सुक्ष्म शरीर में महत्व किस प्रकार है.....

सूक्ष्म शरीर की महत्ता एक सच्चा साधक ही समझ सकता है क्युकी ये एक माध्यम है जिस से आप अपनी अंतश्चेतना कों ब्रम्हांडीय चेतना से जोड़ते है जसके द्वारा आप अनंत लाभ भी प्राप्त करते जाते है.... सुक्ष्म शरीर के विचरण में प्राणशक्ति का मुख्य सहभाग है. या यो कह ले की सूक्ष्म शरीर का बेस प्राण तत्व है.. ब्रम्हांडीय उर्जा से समपर्क स्थापित करने के लिए प्राण वाहक सूक्ष्म शरीर ही तो एक सशक्त माध्यम है जिस से सुक्ष्म जगत के रहस्य अनावृत होते चले जाते है. क्युकी भौतिक देह से ऐसा कर पाना किसी महासिद्धयोगी के द्वारा ही सम्भव है. देह सिद्धि के उपरान्त.. वैसे ये उतना सरल नहीं... इसका कारण ये है की जितना प्राण तत्व जाग्रत अर्थात सशक्त होगा ये क्रिया उतनी ही सरलता से होगी. शक्ति की गति असीमित है.

सूक्ष्मशरीर प्राण के वाहक रूप में कार्य करता है. स्थूल शरीर अर्थात भौतिक शरीर की जितनी भी क्रियाए है उन का सञ्चालन और नियंत्रण प्राणशक्ति करती है और वह शक्ति सूर्य से प्राप्त होती है.

शरीर में एक ऐसा चक्र है जो अत्यंत ही रहस्यमय है जिसे योग भाषा में “प्राण चक्र” कहते है. यह षटचक्रो से अलग है एक स्वतंत्र चक्र है. योगिगण उस चक्र पर मन कों केंद्रित कर स्थूलशरीर कों सूक्ष्मशरीर से प्रथक कर कार्य संपादित करते है.

परन्तु अब प्रश्न ये है की प्राण चक्र क्या है ? इसका क्या कार्य है ?

प्राण चक्र का काम है प्राणशक्ति में समाहित विभिन्न अंशो कों अलग अलग करना, फिर उन प्राण अंशो कों प्राणवहा नाडीयों द्वारा अंगों में अपना कार्य विशिष्ट करने के लिए भेजना.

सूर्य से प्राप्त की हुई और सूक्ष्म शरीर द्वारा विशिष्ट उपयोग के लिए तयार की गई यह प्राणशक्ति ही स्थूलशरीर कों जीवित रखने वाली सभी प्रकार की जीवनदायिनी शक्तियों का मूल स्त्रोत है.

अंत में एक बात कहना चाहूंगी की जब हम साधना में बैठेते है तो जब तक हमारे शरीर कों नहीं साध लेते तब तक हमें मनचाही सफलता नहीं प्राप्त होती. शरीर कों साधना अर्थात केवल बाह्य रूप में साफ़ सफाई या लंबी बैठक से ही नहीं अपितु जब हम बैठे तो हमें भान ही ना रहे की कब सुबह से शाम होगी. शरीर रूपी माध्यम कों सशक्त बनाने के लिए माध्यमिक या प्रारंभिक ज्ञान होना भी उतना ही आवश्यक है. ताकि साधना काल में हो रहे परिवर्तनो, अभीक्रियाओ या संकेतों कों सही रूप से समझ कर योग्य प्रतिसाद दे कर हम अपना अभीष्ट पूर्ण कर सकते है.


वैराग्य निवृति धर्मं का प्रतीक और विवाह प्रवृत्ती धर्म का प्रतीक है

सरिता कुलकर्णी

Nakshtra Jyotish

Understanding Gandanta differently

My Observation and Interpretation of GANDANTA POINT These observations are based on Lunar Nakshtra transit.. The excercise still in pro...